Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Penthouse all her glory.

You can see the side of my penthouse on the right portion of the second photo. Many afternoons are spent reading and evenings chatting away with dear friends on this rooftop. As you can tell...the view from our rooftop (and consequently my room) is simply stunning. Unfortunately the penthouse quarters, made from the clever combination of tin and glass makes the room act strikingly similar to an oven. As long as I avoid my room from the hours of 10 AM to 4 PM, however, I tend to be OK.

And, my gosh...I cannot believe a month has passed without a blog update. I plan to make up for my negligent behavior in the upcoming week. :)

1 comment:

beCcA said...

an oVen for a room? YIKES. can't wait to hear more - love the photos. a big huG, beCs.